I’m Nate and I Love Games

Hello gamers!

Thanks for visiting my gaming blog. I’ve always wanted to do this but my anxiety told me no one would be interested in my opinions on games. But you’re here, so what does my anxiety know?

I’m Nate, and I love games. I always have. Ever since my Dad won a Sega Mega Drive in a raffle in 1993. I played Streets of Rage on that thing for days.

While my taste in games has changed over the years, my passion for gaming has never wavered. I turned to PC gaming in my teenage years, although I had a PlayStation too, but went back to console gaming in my twenties when the Xbox was lighting the world on fire with Xbox Live.

I’ve played every hit game of the last 30 years. I’ve collected more rings on Sonic than H. Samuel has ever sold. I was perhaps the first kid to throw up in fear playing the original Resident Evil (actually happened). I played Championship Manager 1997/98 for 19 seasons. I stormed Omaha Beach in the very first Medal of Honor (that game blew my mind). I played Unreal Tournament when the Unreal Engine was new. So many games stand out to me: Duck Hunt, Zelda, Fifa 98 onwards, Crash Bandicoot, Halo, World of Warcraft, GTA, Minecraft, Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption, Assassins Creed, Mafia – the list goes on.

I play on most platforms these days, from handheld PC gaming to my Xbox Series S, and I even get the old Megadrive out on occasion for nostalgia’s sake. Yep, I still have it, along with my original Gameboy. They will be worth something one day. Not that I could ever sell them.

Despite the site being called Nate Reviews Games, that’s not all I will be doing here. I’m interested in the world of gaming as a whole. I’m not claiming to be an expert, but with 30+ years playing I would like to think I have something to offer. Have a read and let me know what you think.

Maybe I’ll see you online? Look out for my handle: N8_Domi_Nate

See ya!
